Euro model for rensning af vand
Som man kan se er det et meget elegant design.
Du skal bare sætte det direkte på din vandhane.
Du kan tage den med dig overalt, og det er nemt at tilpasse en vandhane.
Det vejer kun 227 g
I lande, hvor man ikke formodes at drikke vandet direkte fra hanen,
kan man bruge Euro-modellen. Med andre ord, man kan få rent vand over hele verden.
Det har et microspiralfilter indeni, og det kan rense 3000 l vand. Man er nødt til at skifte filteret efter 6 mdr.
Nogle steder, hvor man har meget snavset vand pga gamle rør etc,kan det være nødvendigt at tage filtret ud og vaske det med en blød børste og så bruge det igen.
Et nyt filter koster kun 100 kr
Microspiralfilter er en ny type filterteknik, der anvendes til rensning af drikkevand; Det mest effektive system på markedet.
Filtermaterialet blev oprindeligt udviklet til rensning af vand forurenet med radioaktive affaldsprodukter efter Tjernobylulykken. Det har også vist sig være yderst effektiv mod tungmetaller og kemikalier samt mod bakterier og parasitter.
Kun vandmolekyler kan passere gennem spiraler. Medicinsk affaldsstoffer og andre kemikalier er effektivt fanget og ikke kan dumpes ned i vandet igen.
Filteret er effektiv mod næsten alle forureninger og kan fjerne følgende stoffer, blandt mange andre, op til de angivne procenter afhængigt indledende vandkvalitet: aluminium 90%, bly 99%, kobber 97%, cæsium-137 99,7%, cadmium 90 %, jern 95%, chlor 100%, bakterier 99,9%, pesticider 98%, petrokemikalier 88%, uran 98,4% (for nylig afprøvet i Uppsala, Sverige).
Microspiral filter :
Hvis du har brug et filter, der fjerner uønskede stoffer i vandet, men bevarer de sunde mineraler, er denne nye, patenterede teknik løsningen.
En af de mest omfattende tests er blevet udført af Pasteur Research Institute, som nu anbefaler microspiral filter til brug i skoler og hospitaler samt i hjemlige miljø, på grund af den imponerende resultat af disse tests.
Bakterier og parasitter - certificering
Filteret er certificeret og godkendt til bekæmpelse af bakterier og parasitter i nogle lande, hvilket betyder, at vandet ikke længere skal koges inden det konsumeres hvis den er blevet filtreret med microspiral filter.
Meget effektiv
The Microspiral filter is a new type of filter technique used for purification of drinking water; the most effective system on the market.
The filter material was originally developed to purify water contaminated with radioactive waste products such as Cesium-137 (removed at a rate of 99.7%). It also proved highly effective against heavy metals and chemicals as well as against bacteria and parasites. Several practical products for diverse applications have now been developed. The unique material attracts and captures nearly everything save the water and minerals. When the cartridge is filled with unwanted substances, it indicates that it needs to be changed.
Four technigues in one
The material works in four ways: illustrated to the right is the step where only water molecules can fit through the spirals. Medical waste products and other chemicals are effectively trapped and can not be dumped into the water again.
The filter is effective against nearly all contaminants and can remove the following substances, among many others, up to the stated percentages depending on initial water quality: aluminium 90%, lead 99%, copper 97%, cesium-137 99.7%, cadmium 90%, iron 95%, chlorine 100%, bacteria 99.9%, pesticides 98%, petrochemicals 88%, uranium 98.4% (recently tested in Uppsala, Sweden).
Field tests are proof!
The only way to support that claim is of course independent tests, and we have plenty of those to refer to. The latest one was performed in Uppsala, Sweden, where drinking water contains excessive amounts of uranium. The heavy metal is naturally occurring in the ground in Sweden and Finland, and poses a both unique and serious problem for the inhabitants.
New test: uranium
The test done in dec 2011 (Eurofins no 177-2011-12160171) shows conclusively that nearly all the uranium are removed after filtering (98.4%).
Microspiral filter - the solution
If you need a filter that removes unwanted substances in the water but conserve the healthy minerals, this new, patented technique is the solution.
One of the most extensive tests has been conducted by the Pasteur Research Institute, which now recommends the microspiral filter for usage in schools and hospitals as well as in domestic environment, due to the impressive outcome of said tests.
Bacteria and parasites – certification
The filter is certified and approved for combating bacteria and parasites in some countries, meaning the water no longer needs to be boiled before being consumed if it has been filtered with the microspiral filter.
However the combination with effective UV-light technique, is a great advantage when it comes to facilitating risk management and ISO-certification. There are several different units with different capacity. (Up to 19.000 liters/hour). A new feature is a special security circuit that automatically shuts the flow if one of the UV-lights stop working.
Highly effective
The filter material was originally developed to purify water contaminated with radioactive waste products such as Cesium-137 (removed at a rate of 99.7%). It also proved highly effective against heavy metals and chemicals as well as against bacteria and parasites. Several practical products for diverse applications were developed, some of which are presented on the following pages.